- Anunciar acciones o hecho futuros
- Predecir lo que se cree que ocurrirá
- Expresar decisiones repentinas
Affirmative: subject + will + verb in base form
Ex. I will (I'll) work in an office
She will (she'll) work in an office
We will (we'll) work in an office
Negative: subject + will not (won't) + verb in base form
Ex. I won't work in an office
She won't work in an office
We won't work in an office
Interrogative: Will + subject + verb in base form
Ex. Will you work in an office? Yes, I will / No, I won't
Will she work in an office? Yes, she will / No, she won't
1. Complete the sentences with the verb in brackets. Use Future with WILL.
1) You _____________ (need) my car.
2) Paul ______________ (live) in my city.
3) That trophy ___________ (be) mine.
4) She ______________ (not / listen) my speech.
5) The students ________________ (have) my help.
6) ________ she ________ (come) with us?
7) I'm sure Marta _________ (like) the present.
8) My boss _____________ (run) tomorrow.
9) Unless you arrive soon, I _________ (start).
10) I'm tired, I __________ (take) a taxi.
2. Write questions to the following answers.
1) Yes, She will go to work with me tomorrow.
2) No, we won't.
3) Next year he will live in Paris.
4) They will arrive in the airport.
- Hablar de intenciones, planes o decisiones.
- Expresar lo que va a suceder porque se ven indicios de ello .
Affirmative: Subject + to be (in present simple) + going to + verb (in base form)
Ex. They are going to go to go to Italy this summer.
Negative: Subject + to be (in present simple) + not + going to + verb (in base form)
Ex. They aren't going to win thee championship
Interrogative: To be (in present simple) + subject+ going to + verb (in base form)
Ex. Is she going to come to come to the ski resort with us? Yes, she is / No, she isn't
Are you going to come? Yes I am / No I 'm not.
- Will y Be Going to se usan con:
Tomorrow , (mañana)
Next week, year (la próxima semana, año)
In ten years (en diez años)
In the future (en el futuro)
In an hour
3. Complete the sentences with the verb in brackets. Use Future with BE GOING TO.
1) You _____________ (arrive) late.
2) Paul ______________ (live) in my city.
3) That boy ___________ (buy) a pen.
4) She ______________ (not / listen) music.
5) The students ________________ (go) to the stadium.
Use: Se una para hablar de acciones que ocurrirán si se cumple la condición señalada.
La condición se expresa con If + Present Simple
El resultado se expresa con futuro con will
Ex. He will break the record if he runs faster
Se puede negar el verbo en presente, el verbo en futuro o ambos.
Ex. If he doesn't go, I will stay at home.
If he goes, I won't stay at home.
If he doesn't go, I won't stay alt home
Will + subject + predicado de la oración principal+ oración subordinada
Ex. Will you go skiing if it is stormy? Yes, I will / No, I won't
4. Translate:
- Si no vienes estaré triste:
- Si tú no vienes, estaré triste:
- Si no vienes, no estaré triste:
-¿Vendrá al teatro si se siente mejor?:
- Me quedaré en casa si no termino los deberes:
5. Write an e-mail to a friend telling him/her your plans for the future.
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