No importa el orden en que se coloquen las proposiciones, pero si la condición va primero, se suele poner una coma entre ambas.
Ex. If you are late, you will miss the train.
You will miss the train if you are late.
Zero Conditional
Use:To talk about things which are always true, scientific facts or general truths.
If / when /unless + Present Simple ----- Present Simple / Modal verb + base form
If / When asteroids are tiny, they are hard to detect
You can't drive a car unless you've got a driving licence
* A veces podemos usar when en lugar de if sin que el significado de la frase varíe.
* Unless equivale a if not ("a no ser que", "a menos que", "si no") - Unless se usa con bastante asiduidad en la condicional cero y en el primer condicional, pero es menos frecuente en el segundo condicional y nunca se emplea en el tercero.
First Conditional
It is often called the "real" conditional because it is used for real or possible situations.
It refers to the future. An action in the future will only happen if a certain condition is fulfilled by that time. We don't know for sure whether the condition actually will be fulfilled or not, but the conditions seems rather realistic – so we think it is likely to happen.
If /unless + Present Simple ----- Future Simple / Modal verb + base form / Imperative
If the weather is good, the spaceship will take off tomorrow.
If the car breaks down, we can't go on holiday.
If you need help, please contact us.
* Algunas veces los modales se pueden usar tanto en la condición como en el resultado.
Ex. If you can go out tonight, you should see the new Italian film.
Second Conditional
It is often called the "unreal" conditional because it is used for unreal impossible or improbable situations. This conditional provides an imaginary result for a given situation. It is very unlikely that the condition will be fulfilled.
It refers to an action in the present that could happen if the present situation were different. I don't really expect the situation to change because it is very unlikely.
If /unless + Past Simple ----- would / could / might + base form
If an asteroid crashed into Earth, it would do a lot of damage.
If he had a car, he could drive to work every day.
*Si el verbo de la condición es to be, se suele utilizar were en todas las personas de singular y del plural.
Ex. If she were an astronaut, she would take part in space missions
* Para dar consejos se emplea la fórmula If I were you.
Ex. If I were you, I would buy the plane tickets
En lugar de would podemos usar los modales could o might en el resultado, pero ambos indican que la probabilidad de que se cumpla la hipótesis es aún menor. Equivalen al verbo "poder" en condicional o a las expresiones "tal vez" o "quizás" + condicional.
Ex. If the robot landed on Mars, it could explore it.
Third Conditional
It is impossible that the condition will happen because it refers to the past.
It refers to situations in the past. They express hypothetical results to past given situations.
If + Past Perfect Simple ----- would have / could have / might have + past participle
If he had felt well, he would have gone to work.
If I had called my mother, she could have picked me up at the airport.
* En vez de would have+ participio, en el resultado podemos emplear could have o might have + paricipio
Temporal Sentences
Las referidas al futuro se forman como las oraciones del primer condicional: Present Simple en la subordinada y Future Simple en a principal. Lo que cambia son las conjunciones, que en este caso son as soon as, by the time, the moment (that), when, etc.
Ex. I 'll call you as soon as I come out of the cinema.
(Te llamaré en cuanto salga del cine)
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