Famous Quotations

"Minds are like parachutes. They only function

when they are open" (J. Dewars)

Linking Words

Expressing Contrast

  •  ALTHOUGH, THOUGH (aunque), EVEN THOUGH (more emphatic) + clause

ex. I didn't get up the job although I had the necessary qualifications

  • HOWEVER / NEVERTHELESS (more formal than however)/ YET / NONETHELESS (sin embargo) + clause
ex. She was quite  ill. However / Nevertheless / Yet, she went to school

  •  STILL, ALL THE SAME, EVEN SO (sin embargo - chiefly informal) + clause
   ex. She was quite  ill.   Still / All the same / Even so, she went to school.

  • DESPITE / IN SPITE OF (a pesar de) + noun phrase / -ing form

ex. In spite of the traffic, we arrive on time / Despite the traffic...
     In spite of  the rain we enjoyed our holiday / Despite the rain, we enjoyed...

      I didn't get the job in spite of having the necessary qualifications
      I couldn't sleep despite being tired.


ex. I didn't get the job in spite of the fact (that) I had the necessary qualifications
      I didn't get the job despite the fact (that) I had the necessary qualifications

More examples:

Although he was angry, he listened to me patiently
He was angry. However /Nevertheless, he listened to me patiently
In spite of his anger, he listened to me patiently
In spite of being angry he listened to me patiently
In spite of the fact that he was angry, he listened to me patiently

  • WHILE / WHEREAS (mientras que)
ex. This soup opera is interesting while/ whereas that one is quite boring

  • ON THE ONE HAND (por una parte) ON THE OTHER HAND (por otra parte)
ex. On the one hand, the beach is fun. On the other hand, I don't like the sand.

  • ON THE CONTRARY (al contrario)
ex. I thought you liked classical music. On the contrary, I hate it.


Complete the second sentence, so that it has the similar meaning to the first sentence:

1. Although it was snowing, we went for a walk
2. I don't enjoy rock music, but I went to the concert anyway.
3. Despite the heat, Dina wore her winter clothes
4. Jim had a headache, but he still read until late
    In spite of...
5. Although Sam hadn't studied, he did well in the test
    Sam hadn't studied.
6. Although she is getting quite old, your mother is still very active
7. Despite her tireness, she helped me with my homework
8. In spite of the cold weather, he is not wearing a coat
   Even though...

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