Famous Quotations

"Minds are like parachutes. They only function

when they are open" (J. Dewars)


En general, el estilo indirecto en inglés se corresponde con su forma en castellano:

Estilo directo                                         Estilo indirecto
"Are you hungry"                                     She asked if she was hungry
"I will go next week"                                He said he would go the following week
"I went to the cinema yesterday               She said she had gone to the cinema the previous day

Sin embargo, la elección de la forma verbal en estilo indirecto dependerá del punto de vista del hablante. Por ejemplo, la frase siguiente tendrá diferentes versiones, dependiendo de cuándo se comenta o relata lo que ha sido dicho por otra persona:

"We are leaving at 5"

They say they are leaving at 5            (Se comenta inmediatamente)
They said they are leaving at 5           (Se comenta antes de que ellos se vayan)
They said they were leaving at 5        (Se dice una vez que ellos se han ido o dudamos de lo afirmado por ellos)

Normalmente utilizaremos la versión en pasado, en cuyo caso los siguientes cambios en los verbos se aplican:
Estilo directo: Present simple or continuous Past simple or continuous
Estilo Indirecto: Past simple or continuous /  present perfect  /  past perfect Past perfect


Estilo directo                                                              Estilo indirecto
wait(s)                                                                          waited
am/is/are waiting                                                           was/were waiting
waited / has waited / had waited                                    had waited
was waiting/has been waiting/had been waiting               had been waiting
will                                                                               would
can/could                                                                     could
must/have to                                                                 had to
ought to                                                                       ought to
shall/should                                                                  should
may                                                                             might
Otros cambios lógicos se aplican a adverbios de lugar y tiempo, demostrativos, pronombres, etc., dependiendo del contexto.

Estilo directo                                                           Estilo indirecto
I/we                                                                          he or she/they
this/these                                                                   that/those
here                                                                          there
today                                                                        that day
now/at the moment                                                    then/at that moment
tomorrow                                                                  the day after/following day
three months ago                                                       three months before
yesterday                                                                  the day before/previous day

  En cuanto a las PREGUNTAS, en estilo indirecto solo puede haber frases negativas o afirmativas, por lo que hay que tener especial cuidado con el orden de las palabras. También hay que tener en cuenta que:

     • Si la pregunta comienza con un pronombre interrogativo como who / what time / when / how much..., también utilizaremos éste en la frase en estilo indirecto, seguido de una frase afirmativa o negativa.
  • Si no tiene pronombre interrogativo, utilizaremos If (si...).


He said to me: "What time do you get up?"    He asked me what time I got up.
He said: "Has John studied English"      He asked me if John had studied English.

Nota: No se usaría "that"  nunca: He asked me that if John had studied English.

Los verbos que se utilizan en las oraciones de estilo indirecto son de dos tipos:

• Los que requieren un complemento, por ejemplo TELL:   I told her he was studying English.
• Aquellos que no lo necesitan, como por ejemplo SAY:   I said he was studying English.

  • Verbos parecidos a SAY (no necesitan complemento) Ejemplos: admit  answer  declare  indicate  observe mention, report  believe think  prove...
  • Verbos parecidos a TELL (necesitan complemento) Ejemplos: advise  convince  inform  notify teach promise remind...

  Por último las ÓRDENES ruegos y peticiones requieren una estructura diferente en estilo indirecto, siendo los verbos más utilizados TELL y ASK + OBJETO + (NOT) TO infinitivo, como por ejemplo:

The doctor told me: "Take the pills before meals":    The doctor told me to take the pills before meals.
He said: "Don't go near the sea, children!":   He told the children not to go near the sea.
"Would you turn on the radio, please?", he asked:    He asked me to turn on the radio.


 Exercise 1


Reported Questions

Reported Commands

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