Famous Quotations

"Minds are like parachutes. They only function

when they are open" (J. Dewars)

Past Continuous


- Expresar lo que estaba ocurriendo en el pasado
- Describir dos o mas acciones prolongadas y simultáneas en el pasado, unidas por while o as.


Affirmativesubject + was / were + verb with -ing

Ex. I was cooking in the kitchen
      She was cooking in the kitchen
      You were cooking in the kitchen

Negative: subject + wasn't / weren't + verb with -ing

Ex. She wasn't playing tennis
      We weren't playing tennis

Interrogative: Was / Were + subject + verb with -ing

Ex. Were you taking photos? Yes, I was / No, I wasn't
      Was she taking photos? Yes, she was/ No, she wasn't
      Was it rainning yesterday? Yes, it was / No it wasn't


- El Past Simple indica que la acción ocurrió y terminó en el pasado mientras que el Past Continuous habla de acciones prolongadas que estaban ocurriendo en el pasado.

Ex. He did his homework last Monday
      He was doing his homework yesterday afternoon

- Con Past Simple se suele utilizar when y con el Past Continuous while o as

Ex. We were listening to the news when peter arrived.
      While I was listening to the news, Peter arrived.


1. Complete the sentences using Past Simple or Past Continuous

1. Paul .....................................(go) to Madrid last week.

2. The boys ................................ (play) football yesterday afternoon.

3. While my mum ....................................... (wash) the dishes, the telephone ....................(ring)

4. While my mum ....................................... (wash) the dishes, I ............................(tidy) my room.

5. We ................................................(want) to go to Buenos Aires last week, but we .............(not go).

 6. I ............................................... (do) sport when I ............................................ (see) you.

 7. The baby ..............................................(cry) when Tom ...................................(arrive).

 8. James ......................................... (slip) while he ........................... (walk) down the street.

 9. James .................................... (walk) down the street when he ...................... (slip).

 10. I ...............................................(watch) TV while he ...........................(listen) to music.

2. Write an e-mail to a friend telling him/her about your last holidays. Use Past Simple and Past Continuous.

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