Famous Quotations

"Minds are like parachutes. They only function

when they are open" (J. Dewars)

Present Perfect Simple


- Acciones que empezaron en el pasado y aun continúan.
- Acciones pasadas que afectan al presente o tienen consecuencias en el momento actual.
- Acciones pasadas sin especificar cuándo ocurrieron.
- Acciones muy recientes. Llevan "just".


Affirmative: subject + has / have + verb (participle)

Ex. We have painted our bedroom.
       He has painted his bedroom

Negative: subject + hasn't / haven't + verb (participle)

Ex. Peter hasn't read the book
      We haven't read the book

Interrogative: Have / Has + subject + verb (participle)

Ex. Have you won any medals? No, I haven't.
      Has he won any medal? Yes, he has.

- Con el Present Simple se suelen usar las siguientes expresiones temporales:
  • EVER: Interrogativa - alguna vez: Have you ever travelled abroad?                                                               Negativa - nunca jamas : I haven't ever watched that film 
  • NEVER: Afirmativa  -  nunca : She has never called me.
  • ALWAYS: siempre: You've always been her friend
  • ALREADY: ya : We've already finished the exam
  • JUST: acabar de: They have just arrived here
  • YET: Negativa - todavía, aún: He hasn't found his glasses yet.                                                  
                   Interrogativa - ya : Have you bought any fruit yet?
  • FOR:  Durante: My brother has lived in Paris for five years.
  • SINCE: desde:  I haven't heard from him since  2002
  • RECENTLY: recientemente: Has Lisa talked to you recently?
  • LATELY: ultimamente: Jin hasn't been to the gym lately
  • SEVERAL TIMES:  varias veces: They have worked for us several times
  • SO FAR: hasta el momento: How long has your assignment taken so far?

- JUST, ALREADY, ALWAYS, EVER y NEVER  se ponen entre el auxiliar have y el participio.
- YET se coloca al final de la frase.
- FOR va seguida a un periodo de tiempo porque indica la duración de la acción.
- SINCE va delante del momento en que empezó la acción.
- El resto pueden ir al principio o al final de la frase, pero se suelen poner al final.


1. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the correct form of the Present Perfect Simple:

1. I ................... often ...................... (hear)  that song
2. Kim .................... (buy) six t-shirts this year.
3. We .............................. already ................................ (cook) dinner.
4. Sally ................................. (not feed) the dog yet.
5. He ...................................... (not see) his grandparents for many months.
6. ...................... you..................(do) your homework?
7. ....................... Mary .............(sit) on that chair?
 2. Complete the sentences with the verbs (and expressions) in brackets. Use the correct form of Present Perfect Simple or Past Simple.

1. We ____ (go) to the cinema last night.
2. Tom ____ (already/see) that movie three times.
3. I _____ (read) yesterday's newspaper, but I _____ (read, not) today's.
4. The students ____ (have) eight exams last month.
5. The students ____ (have) eight exams this month. [The month hasn't ended yet.]
6. They ____ (practice) for the concert for over three hours now.
7. _____ you ever _____ (be) to a professional football game?

3. Listen to the song "I still haven't found what I'm looking for" of U2 and write some of the examples of Present Simple that you can heard.

4. Answer this question. (write a paragraph). Have you ever been really scared? 

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