Famous Quotations

"Minds are like parachutes. They only function

when they are open" (J. Dewars)

Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal Verbs are verbs followed by one or two particles, (prepositions, adverbs or a combination of both) that change their original meaning.

Phrasal Verbs can be transitive (directly followed by an object):

     Ex. Scientists are trying to work out a solution
           (Los científicos están intentando encontrar una solución)

 or intransitive (cannot be followed by and object):
     Ex. The plane took off one our late
            (El avión despegó con una hora de retraso)

* In some transitive phrasal verbs, the object can come either before or after the particle:
     Ex. The astronaut put on the spacesuit
            The astronaut put the spacesuit on

  But if it is a pronoun it must come beetween both:
     Ex. The astronaut put it on.

* However, some transitives and all the intransitive ones are not separable:
     Ex. Most of the space flights have come back safely

*Some verbs can be combine with different particles to form different phrasal verbs:
     Ex. take after: parecerse /salir a
            take off: despegar; irse / quitarse la ropa
            take out: sacar; llevar/invitar a

* Some phasal verbs have more than one meaning:
     Ex. bring up: criar ; mencionar
            give away: delatar; revelar; regalar
            turn up: aparecer; subir el volumen
            work out: encontrar; resolver

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